OST Loyalty 2.0 — Week 2: The foundation

3 min readJul 22, 2018

OST Loyalty is an add-on for the e-commerce software cs-cart (online stores and marketplaces) that creates a customer loyalty program based on OST Simple Token, an easy-to-use side-blockchain for the crypto-currency Ethereum (ETH). It is the result of our participation in the first “hackathon” OST KIT Phase 2. This series will discover our progress for OST KIT Phase 3 to integrate the user wallet into OST Loyalty.

This week we updated our PHP API Wrapper library to OST KIT 1.1, fixed some bugs and published it on Github. Our wrapper supports now the complete API, including the new transfers, ledger and balances-endpoints. All parameters are available as easy-to-use function parameters with PHPDoc declaration in repository classes.

Example: List method for transfers, returns an array of transfer models

All data returned by the API is parsed into “typed” models as shown below. In our previous article we covered the big advantage of this (IDE code completion support). Neither developers need to keep the documentation open while coding, nor they need to remember all properties.

Example: “typed” transfer model

We also published the first version to install the e-commerce software CS Cart automatically via composer on Github. The optional installation of OST Loyalty will follow within the next week(s).

While upgrading to the newest CS-Cart version 4.8.1sp1, we noticed that the backend got a nice little facelift, which makes on us a more clean impression than the old UI. As expected for minor upgrades, there were fortunately no bigger issues for OST Loyalty 1.0 occurring.

In the community, we noticed some voices that would like to see loyalty programs for e-commerce software. Seems that we are on a good track and hope that we can also use our knowledge to push OST on other e-commerce software later on. Because adoption is the key to growth.

Next week we are going to implement our new API functions into OST Loyalty to retrieve live users balances and transactions, besides fixing all bugs on the road in our Github contributions.

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